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 Myomyomyomyomyomyomyon!【1 hour LONG!】

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Mensagens : 91
Data de inscrição : 04/02/2011
Idade : 29
Localização : 16/12/1994

Myomyomyomyomyomyomyon!【1 hour LONG!】  Empty
MensagemAssunto: Myomyomyomyomyomyomyon!【1 hour LONG!】    Myomyomyomyomyomyomyon!【1 hour LONG!】  Icon_minitimeQua Mar 30, 2011 6:35 pm

Okay, after watching this video on both NND AND YouTube, I just had to come up with the idea of making a loop for this video. xD Especially since it's Youmu, one of my favorite Touhou characters ever, and the "Nya~!" song by daniwellP that nowadays is becoming a big hit (or even meme) in NND and YouTube.
Thanks to the awesomeness of uploading videos more then 15 minutes and the power of Adobe Premiere Pro, I present to you all a one hour's worth of the adorable neko Youmu! Enjoy--uhh, I mean--Myon~!

original title: Myomyomyomyomyomyomyon!
NND link: [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]

song title: Nya~!
music / lyrics: daniwellP

For those not eligible to watch the original short version on NND can visit here:
[Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link] (thanks to YT user reddevils500b)

Please note that the animation and song played for this video are NOT made by me. Please give regards to the original creator, animator, and composer from where it was originally uploaded from (Nico Nico Douga).
Very Happy
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Myomyomyomyomyomyomyon!【1 hour LONG!】
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