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 [GST Previews] Pump It Up! Fiesta EX (Jan. '11) - New Tunes

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Mensagens : 91
Data de inscrição : 04/02/2011
Idade : 29
Localização : 16/12/1994

[GST Previews] Pump It Up! Fiesta EX (Jan. '11) - New Tunes  Empty
MensagemAssunto: [GST Previews] Pump It Up! Fiesta EX (Jan. '11) - New Tunes    [GST Previews] Pump It Up! Fiesta EX (Jan. '11) - New Tunes  Icon_minitimeSeg Fev 07, 2011 5:41 am

These are the GST previews of the New Tunes from the rhythm dance simulation game, Pump It Up! Fiesta EX. This is a new mix released this month (January), after beta testing in Korea in December 2010. It features many song revivals, new popular K-Pop songs, many more PIU! Originals, and more! It has a total count of 350 songs and over 2,000 step charts! It also includes an improved dual interface and an extended Quest World!
It also includes around 6-7 songs from Pump It Up! Pro 2, with new charts made by Andamiro!

This version will be used in the official World Pump Festival 2011 (WPF 2011).

Enjoy previewing these songs!!! mp3. Very Happy
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[GST Previews] Pump It Up! Fiesta EX (Jan. '11) - New Tunes
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