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 Phoenix Wright's Epic Objection

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Mensagens : 91
Data de inscrição : 04/02/2011
Idade : 29
Localização : 16/12/1994

Phoenix Wright's Epic Objection Empty
MensagemAssunto: Phoenix Wright's Epic Objection   Phoenix Wright's Epic Objection Icon_minitimeQui Mar 17, 2011 6:09 pm

Phoenix Wright is amazing. If you have never played it, go buy it immediately. It's that good.

Song List:

Objection!! (Phoenix) - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Answers - Vigilante
Objection!! (Von Karma) - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Title Screen - Snappleman
Cornered 2001 - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Ema Skye's Theme - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Challenger Approaching - Super Smash Bros.
What Is Love? - Haddaway
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
Duncan Hills Coffee - Dethklok
Objection! 2001 - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Ghost Love Score (8-bit) - Nightwish and ????
Steel Samurai - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
WRRYYYYY - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
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Phoenix Wright's Epic Objection
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